Arduino New Version Guide

The Arduino IDE 2.0 is really a great project! So why the (Pro) IDE? The simple IDE had a lot of missing features. This made it a really great app by adding a lot of features for convenience for larger and larger projects. 🙂 This program, which has completed its development phase, is now trying to provide a good experience to its users in version 2.0. So what features does the IDE have?...

September 23, 2022 ·  1 min ·  202 words

How to Download Arduino IDE?

To learn more detailed information about Arduino, you can learn the History of Arduino by clicking here. 🙂 If you want to install Arduino IDE by watching the video, you can watch it or you can install it by following the steps in the images below. Go to here and click on the Software page. In this section, download from the right side according to the operating system you are using....

September 23, 2022 ·  1 min ·  136 words

What is I2C and how to use it on Arduino with 16x2 LCD

Hello everyone, In this article, we will get to know and use the I2C and the 16x2 LCD. Let’s get started! Read This! If you want to learn more about the 16x2 LCD Screen in more detail and how to use it without I2C, you can find out by clicking here. This blog will also be supported with guide blogs. ✨ What is an I2C Adapter? The I2C chip has an 8-Bit I/O Extender chip–PCF8574....

September 23, 2022 ·  2 min ·  327 words

History of Arduino

The Arduino project began at the Institute for Interaction Design Ivrea in Ivrea, northern Italy. Arduino was founded by Massimo Banzi, David Cuartielles, Tom Igoe, Gianluca Martino and David Mellis. They built the first Arduino using a $100 BASIC Stamp microcontroller. Here is the Arduino team that gives hope to those new generations: From left to right: David Mellis, David Cuartielles, Gianluca Martino, Massimo Banzi, Tom Igoe, flickr In 2003, under the supervision of Hernando Barragán, Massimo Banzi and Casey Reas, he created the Wiring development platform as a master’s thesis project at IDII....

September 23, 2022 ·  5 min ·  935 words

What is Atmel AVR?

AVR is the name of the family of microcontrollers designed by the Atmel company and introduced to the market in 1996. They designed these microcontrollers with the RISC command set on the modified Harvard architecture. Microcontrollers are 8-Bit and, as an exception, it produced in 32-bit models in a period. It is one of the most widely used microcontrollers in many embedded systems and especially in hobby circuits, and forms the basis of Arduino....

September 23, 2022 ·  1 min ·  189 words